Luqman GuldivêSeptember 18, 2024
Three universities, several higher education institutions, and academies are now operating in northeast Syria. However, the real challenge is not simply to build schools and universities, but to develop an entirely new educational system with a philosophy based on new sociological principles.
Maria Edgarda MarcucciSeptember 11, 2024
Quarticciolo as a neglected suburb shares the stories of many other peripheries in Italy, but what Quarticciolo Ribelle is writing is a possible alternative plot, a different story.
George ZamfirAugust 28, 2024
There is only one path against incessant dispossession: regrouping and working together to maintain or to gain housing justice. Further, we need to expand our efforts to restructure housing property regimes.
Andrea CegnaAugust 21, 2024
The various associations do not stop with the problem of tourism. They are pushing for a comprehensive rethinking of the city, highlighting how touristification has tremendous consequences for residents, primarily on the cost of living and housing prices, making it almost impossible for locals to live in the city.
Sofia CraveiroAugust 14, 2024
In 2023, Lisbon received 5.6 million foreign visits, a record-high number. Behind this glamorous facade, the city is facing one of its fiercest battles: a housing crisis.
Eva BetavatziAugust 7, 2024
The fight against the transformation of the neighborhood is a daily struggle made by people who only arm themselves with the strength of their political convictions to fight. By their daily presence in the neighborhood, and by their sheer determination, they manage to resist property developments, sometimes successfully, sometimes at a loss.
Beki McElvainJuly 31, 2024
The involvement of the National Guard in Acapulco’s reconstruction is part of a broader shift toward militarization in Mexico, representing a significant transfer of power to the armed forces and solidifying their role as major political and economic players in Mexico for the foreseeable future.
Patrick HilsmanJuly 17, 2024
The destruction of Gaza’s environment is more than an ecological disaster. It has created deadly conditions that will keep killing Palestinian civilians even if the bombs stop falling.
Henri SulkuJuly 10, 2024
The fragile state of Syria’s ecology and agriculture has been weaponized by the warring factions of the civil war, often without a clear military objective, targeting the environment and civilian population. For neighboring Turkey, ecocidal attrition has become a prominent feature of its cross-border operations.
Patrick BiggerJuly 3, 2024
Where we shirk internationalism and a clear-eyed analysis of the violent political economy in which the climate crisis is unfolding, we do so at our collective peril.