A pair of shoes and roses hanging on a broken wall in street art installation in Paris.

Alternatives Are a Matter of Survival

“The message spoken from every corner of the world is that if governments fail to work for citizens, people will fight to improve their circumstances and take charge of their futures.”

A look over neglected housing complex in Rome.

Housing Emergency

“One problem unites all of Europe: the housing crisis. From the Netherlands to Portugal, spiraling rents and sky-high property prices have fueled anger and protests across the continent.”

Drone image of the destruction Serebrianka forest, nicknamed as Black Forest, near Kreminna, Donbas, Ukraine.

Ecocide is Genocide

“The ‘dangerous duo’ of conflicts and climate change calls for a renewed internationalist consciousness to guide local and global struggles for justice, peace, and ecology.”

A reflection in water of protesters waving Palestine flags in Paris, France.

Navigating a World in Permacrisis

“We are committed to freedom, knowing that it is not a gift given but a choice to be made, sometimes a hard one. Together, let’s persist in making that choice.”


Social Rights and Civil Wrongs

“While addressing the apparent hypocrisy in the EU’s human rights and foreign policies, this moment serves a critical juncture for deeper reflection on the question of rights.”

Art Installation of 150 fake security cameras on building facade in Madrid, Spain.

Master’s Tools

A society cannot be free unless its technologies support a free and democratic social life. As the black feminist Audre Lorde noted, “the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.”

Turning Point logo, red TP monogram on black comment bubble.

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No paywalls. No clickbaits. No selling off. Turning Point keeps focus in what moves us and our readers: delivering uncompromised journalism, critical analyses, and visionary perspectives free to everyone. As an independent, free and non-profit media, we rely on our readers’ support.

A woman raising fist in and defying approaching riot ṕolice.

Beyond Patriarchy

Most importantly, we have to recognize how patriarchy intersects and promotes other systems of oppression. Without patriarchy, there would be no capitalist system.

Painting of a mother holding her child hung on a wall damaged by bullets.

Cultural Resistance

With Turning Point, we want to challenge ourselves and our readers to understand the world with new perspectives far from the mainstream lenses. We want to publish stories of resistance and struggle.

Turning Point logo, red TP monogram on black comment bubble.

Pitch us

We are constantly looking for new radical voices, untold stories, and intriguing perspectives, both from close by and afar. Currently, we are looking particularly for original feature stories. Send your pitch through open submissions, and we will get back to you.