Category: Articles

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pedestrians cross ponds of wastewater in the city of Khan Younis in south Gaza as a result of the Israeli invasion that has decimated the enclave’s sewage system.

Facing the Human Cost of Ecocide: The Environmental Destruction of Gaza Will Last Generations

Patrick HilsmanJuly 17, 2024

The destruction of Gaza’s environment is more than an ecological disaster. It has created deadly conditions that will keep killing Palestinian civilians even if the bombs stop falling.

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Afrin, November 2022, stumps of several trees cut down in an Afrin's Bafilyoun forest patch due to illegal logging by Turkish occupation.

Squashed by Climate Change and Turkey’s Ecocidal Warfare, Northern Syria Fights the ‘Worst Drought in 70 years’

Henri SulkuJuly 10, 2024

The fragile state of Syria’s ecology and agriculture has been weaponized by the warring factions of the civil war, often without a clear military objective, targeting the environment and civilian population. For neighboring Turkey, ecocidal attrition has become a prominent feature of its cross-border operations.

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Drone image of a destroyed village in the Donetsk Outskirts, Buffer Zone, Donbass, Ukraine. February 23, 2024.

The Three Dimensions of Militarism in the Climate Crisis

Patrick BiggerJuly 3, 2024

Where we shirk internationalism and a clear-eyed analysis of the violent political economy in which the climate crisis is unfolding, we do so at our collective peril.

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Two women reading a poster with the face of Ilaria Salis in Rome.

The Budapest Trial: How Hungary Exploits a Dubious EU Mechanism to Chase Anti-Fascists Across the Continent

Henri SulkuMay 22, 2024

The Budapest trial is already becoming a symbol of the deterioration of civil rights, frantic anti-extremism, and growing authoritarianism across Europe. It exemplifies alarming tendencies within the European Union.

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Anti-fascist action stickers and graffiti on a bus top glass and people on the background.

Denial, Bargain, Acceptance: How Far-Right Ideas Took Root in The Conservative Doctrine

Leonardo BianchiMay 15, 2024

The boundaries that once separated right-wing extremism from traditional conservatism are no longer there and they seem to be gone for good. This is a defining feature of the current “fourth wave” of far-right politics.

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Emma Hansson, the chair of IF Metall's Stockholm branch, in picket in the first days of the Tesla strike in Stockholm, Sweden, in October 2023.

The Head of SAC: Tesla Faces a ‘Stalemate’ in Sweden as the Longest Strike in Decades Grinds On

Gabriel KuhnMay 8, 2024

Essentially, the conflict has reached a stalemate. Tesla doesn’t seem hurt enough to give in, and IF Metall has the means to carry on. Among some of the strikers, this causes frustration.

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A protest in Paris, France, against the ongoing genocide of Palestinians on December 16, 2023.

From Lasers to Lavender: Will Israel’s Dual-Use Technology Lead To Dual-Use Societies?

Maria Edgarda MarcucciApril 28, 2024

There is an ongoing attempt of genocide in Palestine, making the territories an ideal place for Israel to test its latest weapons, which it sells to armies across the world. Each time the war waged against Palestinians changes from low to high intensity, IDF begins a new round of testing of the latest available tools.

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Programmers Ruth Lichterman (crouching) and Marlyn Wescoff (standing) wiring the right side of the ENIAC with a new program.

A Hidden History and a Feminist Future: Redesigning the Role of Women in Technology 

Valentina RamanandApril 10, 2024

In general, when a field starts to have an economic value, the tendency of the capitalist system is to try to obtain a monopoly over it. And this is one of the major reasons why women were excluded from computer science.

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@loco_vision’s ‘Re’ installation at Zugvögel Festival, Hellenthal, Am weißen Stein portrays creepy eyes staring the viewer from holes.

The End of Cash and the Battle Over Digital Currencies

Juraj BednarApril 3, 2024

In an era where digital transformation is reshaping every aspect of our lives, the realm of money and payment networks is no exception. But what is at stake in the gradual yet significant shift from physical cash to digital forms of money?

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Reflection of woman from Argentinian Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo in a window, and governmental building on the background.

“The Authorities Don’t Know What to Do with Us”: A Fight for Justice Unites Mothers Around the World

Lisa ShishkoMarch 27, 2024

Mothers around the world do not give up and continue to fight for their children and, at the same time, for the world. The struggle of desperate mothers has stopped wars.