Privacy Policy

Last updated: February 1, 2024.

This privacy policy document will explain how Turning Point media collects and uses the personal data we collect from you when you use the website

Topics included in this policy cover:

  • What data do we collect?
  • How do we collect your data?
  • Legal basis of processing your data
  • How will we use your data?
  • How do we store your data?
  • Marketing
  • What are your data protection rights?
  • What are cookies?
  • How do we use cookies?
  • What types of cookies do we use?
  • Privacy policies of other websites
  • Changes to our privacy policy
  • How to contact us

What data do we collect?

As a principle, we attempt to collect only the least user data necessary to provide and improve our services and to guarantee their security and integrity. We may collect the following personal data:

  • IP addresses
  • Email addresses

How do we collect your data?

You directly provide us the data we collect. We may collect data when you:

  • Visit and view the website with web browser, or connect to the host server by other means.
  • Voluntarily send email to any of the email addresses associated with the domain
  • Perform activities that are flagged potentially malicious by one of the security checks in place to protect the integrity of our services. Potentially malicious activity includes, but is not limited to, unordinary large amount of requests from your ip address, ip proximity to or affiliation with malicious or infected networks, log in attempt to the website frontend, or other attempts to access unauthorized parts of the host server.

Legal basis of processing your data

The lawfulness of processing your data, specifically in the sense of GDPR Article 6, depends on the data collected and the context of collection.

When sending email to one of the email addresses associated with domain, you automatically give consent to process and store the information contained in your email, including your email address. Processing email data may also be necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject (you) is party, or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject (you) prior to entering into a contract. Depending on the nature and content of the email correspondence, we may also have a legal obligation to process and store it.

The lawfulness of collecting and processing ip addresses is based on necessity in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person, or on purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller (Turning Point) or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by data subject’s (your) interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.

You may, at any time, request what is the legal basis of processing your data. You may also, at any time, withdraw your consent, and, if consent is the only applicable legal basis, it will lead to halting processing your data.

How will we use your data?

We may collect your data so that we can offer our services and ensure their security and integrity, and to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations. In particular,

IP addresses may be collected and stored

  • to monitor the website traffic for malicious activity (such as unauthorized login attempts),
  • to protect the functionality of our services from harmful activity (such as denial of service attacks), and
  • to produce performance and traffic statistics (such as to produce statistics of monthly unique users).

The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates.

Email addresses, contents and other relevant data may be collected and stored

  • to maintain correspondence with you,
  • to perform a contract with you, or take steps in order to enter contractual relationship, or
  • to fulfil our legal obligations.

How do we store your data?

We store your data securely at servers in European Union/EEA territory. Processing your data does not constitute international data transfer as defined by GDPR.

More specifically,

Data related to the use of the website, including potentially your IP address, is stored at Hostinger International ltd servers. You can read more how this data is protected at Honstinger’s website (external link).

Data related to email communications, including potentially your email address and correspondence with us, is stored at Zoho Corporation B.V. (The Netherlands) servers. You can read more how this data is protected at Zoho’s website (external link).

This website is part of a network of websites that protect against distributed brute force attacks. To enable this protection, the IP address of visitors attempting to log into the site is shared with a service provided by For policy details, please see the SolidWP Privacy Policy.

If flagged and collected, we will keep your ip address for 60 days in the security log. Once this time period has expired, we will automatically delete your data by deleting the associated database entries.

Email correspondence will be generally stored for maximum 2 years, unless there is a legal obligation to store them for longer time in which case the legally obliged duration will be followed.


Turning Point does not collect, process, store, or transfer user data for marketing purposes.

What are your data protection rights?

Turning Point would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:

The right to access – You have the right to request us for copies of your personal data. The service is free of cost.

The right to rectification – You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request to complete the information you believe is incomplete.

The right to erasure – You have the right to request to erase your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request to restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to data portability – You have the right to request that we transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If you make any of the described requests, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our email:


Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behavior information. For further information, visit

How do we use cookies?

Turning Point website does not use cookies or store them in your computer.

Some functionalities of the website, specifically the social media share buttons, will direct you to external websites which may use cookies and store them on your computer. The website content contains hyperlinks to external websites which may use cookies and store them on your computer.

This privacy policy applies only to cookies on website and its potential subdomains. Please see relevant cookie policies of third-party websites for their use of cookies.

What types of cookies do we use?

Turning Point website does not use cookies.

Privacy policies of other websites

The Turning Point website contains links to other websites. Our privacy policy applies only to our website, so if you click on a link to another website, you should read their privacy policy.

Changes to our privacy policy

Turning Point keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on February 1, 2024.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise any of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Email us at:

Last updated: February 1, 2024.