Tag: war

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Book cover of the photobook Ukraine:Love+War about the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

Ukraine: Love+War, a Review

Lauren WalshOctober 16, 2024

This volume is comprehensive, offering both the pre-2022 history as well as a deep look at the impact of the 2022 invasion. Giving this overview through photographs elevates this title well beyond a typical history book.

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Two young fighters look over the valley in Sanhan and Bani Bahul district of Yemen's Sana'a province.

“Make Yemen Great Again”: How Yemen’s Houthis Won a Place in the Israel-Gaza War and What They Are Planning Next

Laura Silvia BattagliaOctober 9, 2024

Sanhan and Bani Bahul district in Yemen’s Sana’a province, February 2013. Two young members of the local al-Mojalli tribe stand in Beit al-Ahmar. village, home […]

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The Fog of War

Editorial BoardOctober 2, 2024

There are 110 ongoing armed conflicts in the world. Almost half of them (56) are interstate wars, while the remaining are prominently fought by non-state belligerents. This is the highest number since WWII, but never before has the world seen so many antagonistic nations.

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Shoes hanging on a wall with roses inside them.

Alternatives Are a Matter of Survival

Editorial BoardSeptember 4, 2024

Paris, France, May 1, 2023. © Maryam Ashrafi Link copied! In 2024, trust in institutions is plummeting. With a lack of options, people are turning […]

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Photo Essay: Uncertain Land – Climate Change and Its Impact on The Internally Displaced People of South Sudan

Christina SimonsJuly 24, 2024

Since the escalation of conflict in 2013 and 2014, South Sudan has faced a significant rise in the number of Internally Displaced People (IDPs). Over the past six years, this number has continued to grow due to the climate crisis and extreme flooding in areas where people had resettled or were still displaced from the 2014 conflict.

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Afrin, November 2022, stumps of several trees cut down in an Afrin's Bafilyoun forest patch due to illegal logging by Turkish occupation.

Squashed by Climate Change and Turkey’s Ecocidal Warfare, Northern Syria Fights the ‘Worst Drought in 70 years’

Henri SulkuJuly 10, 2024

The fragile state of Syria’s ecology and agriculture has been weaponized by the warring factions of the civil war, often without a clear military objective, targeting the environment and civilian population. For neighboring Turkey, ecocidal attrition has become a prominent feature of its cross-border operations.

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Drone image of a destroyed village in the Donetsk Outskirts, Buffer Zone, Donbass, Ukraine. February 23, 2024.

The Three Dimensions of Militarism in the Climate Crisis

Patrick BiggerJuly 3, 2024

Where we shirk internationalism and a clear-eyed analysis of the violent political economy in which the climate crisis is unfolding, we do so at our collective peril.

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Drone image of the destruction Serebrianka forest, nicknamed as Black Forest, near Kreminna, Donbas, Ukraine.

Ecocide is Genocide

Editorial BoardJuly 3, 2024

As isolationist, conflict-prone, and militarized state responses testify, the “dangerous duo” of conflicts and climate change calls for a renewed internationalist consciousness to guide local and global struggles for justice, peace, and ecology.

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A protest in Paris, France, against the ongoing genocide of Palestinians on December 16, 2023.

From Lasers to Lavender: Will Israel’s Dual-Use Technology Lead To Dual-Use Societies?

Maria Edgarda MarcucciApril 28, 2024

There is an ongoing attempt of genocide in Palestine, making the territories an ideal place for Israel to test its latest weapons, which it sells to armies across the world. Each time the war waged against Palestinians changes from low to high intensity, IDF begins a new round of testing of the latest available tools.

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Art Installation of 150 fake security cameras on building facade in Madrid, Spain.

The Master’s Tools

Editorial BoardApril 3, 2024

A society cannot be free unless its technologies support a free and democratic social life. As the black feminist Audre Lorde noted, “the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.”