Tag: AI

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Mapping the Planetary Costs of AI: Kate Crawford’s Atlas of AI in Review

Sara MarcucciApril 24, 2024

Rio Tinto-Kennecott’s Bingham Canyon copper mine in Utah, the US, has extracted more copper than any mine in history: about 18.7 million tons. CC arbyreed […]

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Programmers Ruth Lichterman (crouching) and Marlyn Wescoff (standing) wiring the right side of the ENIAC with a new program.

A Hidden History and a Feminist Future: Redesigning the Role of Women in Technology 

Valentina RamanandApril 10, 2024

In general, when a field starts to have an economic value, the tendency of the capitalist system is to try to obtain a monopoly over it. And this is one of the major reasons why women were excluded from computer science.

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Art Installation of 150 fake security cameras on building facade in Madrid, Spain.

The Master’s Tools

Editorial BoardApril 3, 2024

A society cannot be free unless its technologies support a free and democratic social life. As the black feminist Audre Lorde noted, “the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.”

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Mindar, a robot priest built on ChatGPT technology, is giving Buddhist teachings at Kodai-ji Temple in Kyoto, Japan.

Infocalypse or Cultural Renaissance? The Two Faces of Generative AI

Jean DestaFebruary 21, 2024

The year 2023 marked a cultural revolution of a sort. For millions of people, artificial intelligence has become a part of everyday life and consciousness, shaping the way we understand and imagine our interactions and societies.