Patrick Hilsman & Henri SulkuDecember 20, 2024
Elon Musk’s America PAC has been sued for criminal campaign tactics and labor violations, as the world’s richest man threw in more than $250 million to get Donald Trump in the Oval Office. An inside view at this voting drive reveals a world of chaos and questionable practices.
Patrick HilsmanNovember 20, 2024
The riots and the subsequent response can serve as a lesson on the rapid spread of disinformation and disorder, and how to fight back effectively.
Editorial BoardJune 5, 2024
In 2022, “permacrisis” was one of the six words Collins Dictionary added to their lexicon. It describes “an extended period of instability and insecurity, especially one resulting from a series of catastrophic events.” Over the past two years, this permacrisis has deepened, leading to increased chaos, conflict, and societal violence.
Henri SulkuMay 22, 2024
The Budapest trial is already becoming a symbol of the deterioration of civil rights, frantic anti-extremism, and growing authoritarianism across Europe. It exemplifies alarming tendencies within the European Union.
Leonardo BianchiMay 15, 2024
The boundaries that once separated right-wing extremism from traditional conservatism are no longer there and they seem to be gone for good. This is a defining feature of the current “fourth wave” of far-right politics.
Editorial BoardMay 1, 2024
While people fighting for their rights, equality, and freedom have given substance to human rights, law guaranteeing social rights, freedom, or equality appears more fragile; lacking a solid historical track record.
Sonja PietiläinenMarch 20, 2024
Despite apparent misogyny, gender is a nuanced and complicated issue in far-right women leaders’ politics. By drawing on certain aspects of (fascist) femininity these women have played a central role in the normalisation and legitimization of racist misogyny in Europe.